
Apply for Housing

Join Us in Red Hawk Country!

加入5000多名居住人口,住在校园里! 住在校园里给学生提供了社交的机会, live and learn beyond the classroom — days, nights and weekends. 十大博彩推荐排名州立住宿生活提供包括宿舍, suites and apartments, each with their own amenities. Enjoy cable TV, high-speed internet, communal kitchens, game rooms, study lounges — you might never want to leave. In addition, we offer several Special Interest Housing 为您提供与志同道合的朋友住在一起的机会, lifestyle or commitment to a major.

Incoming Freshmen and Transfer Students
Housing Deadlines Fall Spring
Enrollment Forms and Fees May 1 Rolling
Housing Application Fee May 1 Rolling
关于住房过程的信息发送到十大博彩推荐排名电子邮件 Start of May November
Online Housing Selection and/or Application Early June November

Housing for First-Year and Transfer Students


  • Have been fully accepted to the University
  • 在学期截止日期前提交所有入学确认表格和费用
  • Pay the $300.在学期截止日期前支付100美元的不可退还的住房申请费
  • All required immunization records have been submitted & processed by the Student Health Center
  • Complete the Residence License and Dining Agreement

所有项目都是必需的,以便您的住房申请被认为是完整的. For specific information on enrollment fees please see Accepted Students. 我们的住房流程完全在网上完成,不需要填写或提交纸质申请.

For those who do not meet the above criteria, 包括在这些日期之后可能被大学录取的学生, housing is not guaranteed. 如有空间,将尽一切努力为这类学生提供住宿.

How Do I Apply?

  • Pay the $300.00 Housing Application Fee online through NEST or in person at the Office of Student Accounts. Payment info can be found on the Red Hawk Central website. The housing application fee is due by May 1.
    • 春季学期的一年级学生没有住房申请费的截止日期. 我们建议您尽快提交订金. 住房信息在12月通过电子邮件发送给学生,并且是滚动的!
  • Activate your Montclair State University NetID (你的NetID是你的十大博彩推荐排名州立大学的电子邮件账户). 我们发送的邮件将发送到您的十大博彩推荐排名电子邮件帐户.
  • 学生将在5月份收到十大博彩推荐排名的住房选择过程的电子邮件, which takes place in June. 学生须进入住宿管理系统(RMS) to complete their online housing agreement, lifestyle preferences, room type preferences prior to selecting housing.
  • 因健康状况要求住宿的学生, 除了填写RMS首选项外,还必须提交一份 Request for Medical Accommodations by the semester deadline.
Incoming Graduate Students

校园住房不仅适用于本科生,也适用于研究生! 我们提供研究生宿舍在我们的公寓大楼,村.

How Do I Apply?

  • Pay the $300.00 Housing Application Fee online through NEST or in person at the Office of Student Accounts. Payment info can be found on the Red Hawk Central website. The housing application fee is due by May 1.
    • 春季学期的一年级学生没有住房申请费的截止日期. 我们建议您尽快提交订金. 住房信息在12月通过电子邮件发送给学生,并且是滚动的!
  • Activate your Montclair State University NetID (你的NetID是你的十大博彩推荐排名州立大学的电子邮件账户). 我们发送给学生的电子邮件将发送到您的十大博彩推荐排名电子邮件帐户.
  • 学生将在5月份收到十大博彩推荐排名的住房选择过程的电子邮件, which takes place in June. 学生须进入住宿管理系统(RMS) to complete their online housing agreement, lifestyle preferences, room type preferences prior to selecting housing.
  • 因健康状况要求住宿的学生, 除了填写RMS首选项外,还必须提交一份 Request for Medical Accommodations by the semester deadline.
Returning Undergraduate and Graduate Students

无论你是现在的居民还是想要住在校园里的通勤者, 你希望为即将到来的学年申请住宿, 居住生活办公室每年春天都会提供一个具体的一般房间选择过程!

Review the Returning Students Housing Selection web page 一步一步的指南,以及资格要求.

Housing Application Directions

In order to apply for housing for, 您必须首先符合资格并完成上面下拉列表中列出的必要要求.

Step 1

Log into the Residential Management System (RMS) with your NetID and associated password. 如果你是一名新生,还没有注册你的NetID,一定要注册 complete that first!

Step 2


Step 3

向下滚动到页面的准备住房选择部分. 点击“完成我的房屋协议”旁边的绿色箭头.

Step 4

Follow each direction on the page. 您将使用您的CWID号码(不包括“M”)作为您的住房协议的电子签名.

您还可以提交房间风格偏好和生活方式偏好. These preferences do not select a housing assignment for you and do not guarantee a specific style of housing.


Step 5

现在你将等待参与住房选择或根据你申请住房的学期分配一个房间. 一旦你选择了住房或分配了住房, you will receive a Housing Confirmation email.

您将收到您的所有住房申请摘要到您的十大博彩推荐排名电子邮件帐户,作为您已正确完成流程的确认. 我们将在秋季学期的暑假和春季学期的寒假期间沟通具体的入住说明. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at reslife@776pt.com.

Additional Information

three people outside, one giving directions

Living on Campus

Living on campus goes beyond your room! 点击下面的链接了解我们的设施、特殊兴趣学习社区和更多信息!

Living on Campus

Housing Agreement

所有住在学校的学生必须签署住房协议. 该协议概述了校园住宿的所有“业务”. 在住在校园里之前,熟悉你的住房协议是很重要的!

Read the Agreement


Request for Medical Housing Accommodations

居住生活办公室和残疾资源中心共同努力,为有残疾或有医疗需求的学生提供住宿. 根据时间的不同,学生应该确认住房选择过程的截止日期! 然而,我们在任何时候都接受请求,并根据可用性容纳请求.

Request Accommodations


Room Rates


Learn About Room Rates